Thursday, October 13, 2011

Man on horse by Marino Marini

Photo by Cindy Holcomb
Tuscon sculptor Marino Marini Man on Horse at the Peggy Guggenheim museum sits in the garden overlooking the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy. The piece certainly arouses one's curiosity.


  1. Yes...interesting. Upon seeing this picture that you posted, the image of the tarot card called The Sun from the Rider-Waite deck immediately flashed across my mind. The statue certianly appears of a solar nature to me. One image triggers another in the mind which in turn brings forth another and so on and on. Thank you for the post, it set my day into motion along a definite line of thought.

  2. The piece is called "Angel of the City", a statue of a man riding a horse in a state of arousal. Located on the main entrance in full view of the Grand Canal. The divinatory meaning of The Sun lends itself to the sculpture as it depicts high spirits. I would like to hear more on tarot readings though :)

  3. Tarot readings? That topic would fill many volumes. As far as fortune telling goes, I cannot say much. I use the cards as guide posts on the path, a sort of map through life. The most important thing, I think anyway, is to find a deck which resonates with one's self. Ideally it would be best to paint a deck of one's own, but that is a great endeavor. I started with the Waite deck but abandoned it on finding the Thoth deck...which has served and suited me well. Those two decks both have several books written on and about them. The rest is really up to one's self?

    and my apologies for so late of a reply. My best wishes to you.
